— تفضيلات العملاء —
أطباقنا الأعلى تقييمًا
If you want to have an authentic Egyptian dining experience in Dubai, then this is your go-to spot! The restaurant offers a wide variety of Egyptian dishes (as well as some Lebanese and international dishes) in a lively Egyptian ambience with Arabian music, providing separate areas for smokers and non-smokers, whereas a variety of shisha options are served in the smoking area.
Hossam Moaness
Just excellence! Very beautiful atmosphere, very kind waiters and most important delicious food. I can highly recommend to everyone who likes to eat well! Thank you for hosting.
I don’t know when was the last time I found a place I like this much, but I really loved this place and definitely recommend it.
Marcell Hochstein
It is a touristic area and you expect a Tourist trap.
However, the Restaurant delivered on service and food.
Prices are fair, the menu offers a variety of middle Easter, Arabic, Turkish food.
We liked the experience and will come back. 100% recommend a visit for a solid, tasty food and service.
John Doe
We passed by the restaurant by accident because we were looking for an other place, we decided to take a look and that was totally worth it, this place looks amazing a mix of the European art and Arabic furniture, the service is incredible everyone were professional and welcoming, and the food OMG that meat shoulder was out of this world, the spices, well cooked, the rice under it was perfect, the presentation was amazing.
Sara Dernouni
كفتة لحم الضأن (١ كجم)
Lamb Kofta (1kg)
ريش لحم الضأن (١ كجم)
Lamb Chops (1kg)
روبيان جامبو (لكل كغ)
King Shrimp (per kg)
(لكل كغ) هامور
Hammour (per kg)
ريش لحم الضأن (١ كجم)
Lamb Chops (1kg)
كباب لحم الضأن (١ كجم)
Lamb Kabab (1kg)
كفتة لحم الضأن (١ كجم)
Lamb Kofta (1kg)
روبيان جامبو (لكل كغ)
King Shrimp (per kg)
سمك حمرا (لكل كغ)
Red Snapper (per kg)
هامور (لكل كغ)
Hammour (per kg)
— توصيات الشيف —
الحلويات المفضلة
If you want to have an authentic Egyptian dining experience in Dubai, then this is your go-to spot! The restaurant offers a wide variety of Egyptian dishes (as well as some Lebanese and international dishes) in a lively Egyptian ambience with Arabian music, providing separate areas for smokers and non-smokers, whereas a variety of shisha options are served in the smoking area.
Hossam Moaness
Just excellence! Very beautiful atmosphere, very kind waiters and most important delicious food. I can highly recommend to everyone who likes to eat well! Thank you for hosting.
I don’t know when was the last time I found a place I like this much, but I really loved this place and definitely recommend it.
Marcell Hochstein
It is a touristic area and you expect a Tourist trap.
However, the Restaurant delivered on service and food.
Prices are fair, the menu offers a variety of middle Easter, Arabic, Turkish food.
We liked the experience and will come back. 100% recommend a visit for a solid, tasty food and service.
John Doe
We passed by the restaurant by accident because we were looking for an other place, we decided to take a look and that was totally worth it, this place looks amazing a mix of the European art and Arabic furniture, the service is incredible everyone were professional and welcoming, and the food OMG that meat shoulder was out of this world, the spices, well cooked, the rice under it was perfect, the presentation was amazing.
Sara Dernouni
ام علي
طبقات من رقائق البف باستري منقوعة في الحليب المحلى والكريمة، مغطاة بالمكسرات، الزبيب المجفف ورقائق جوز الهند
طبقات من أصابع البسكويت الإيطالية المنقوعة في الإسبريسو، مغطاة بالكريمة وجبن الماسكاربوني، ومغطاة بمسحوق القهوة.
أرز بالحليب مع الآيس كريم
أرز بالحليب مغطى بآيس كريم الفانيليا
شوكليت فوندن
كيكة فوندن الشوكولاتة مليئة بالشوكولاتة الذائبة، تقدم مع الآيس كريم
— ماذا يقول عملاؤنا —
شهادات العملاء
If you want to have an authentic Egyptian dining experience in Dubai, then this is your go-to spot! The restaurant offers a wide variety of Egyptian dishes (as well as some Lebanese and international dishes) in a lively Egyptian ambience with Arabian music, providing separate areas for smokers and non-smokers, whereas a variety of shisha options are served in the smoking area.
Hossam Moaness
Just excellence! Very beautiful atmosphere, very kind waiters and most important delicious food. I can highly recommend to everyone who likes to eat well! Thank you for hosting.
I don’t know when was the last time I found a place I like this much, but I really loved this place and definitely recommend it.
Marcell Hochstein
It is a touristic area and you expect a Tourist trap.
However, the Restaurant delivered on service and food.
Prices are fair, the menu offers a variety of middle Easter, Arabic, Turkish food.
We liked the experience and will come back. 100% recommend a visit for a solid, tasty food and service.
John Doe
We passed by the restaurant by accident because we were looking for an other place, we decided to take a look and that was totally worth it, this place looks amazing a mix of the European art and Arabic furniture, the service is incredible everyone were professional and welcoming, and the food OMG that meat shoulder was out of this world, the spices, well cooked, the rice under it was perfect, the presentation was amazing.
Sara Dernouni
لقد زرت مطعم "أبو علي" في دبي مؤخراً، وكانت تجربتي استثنائية بكل المقاييس. الأجواء كانت رائعة. العاملون في المطعم كانوا في قمة الاحترافية والود خاصة الاستاذ سومر- عماد - وليم - يزبك, حيث قدموا خدمة ممتازة تجعل الزبائن يشعرون بالترحيب والراحة. الأطباق كانت لذيذة وطازجة، وأحببت تنوع القائمة التي تلبي جميع الأذواق. فريق العمل كان دائمًا مستعدًا لتقديم النصائح والمساعدة في اختيار الأطباق المناسبة. أوصي بشدة بزيارة مطعم "أبو علي" إذا كنت تبحث عن تجربة طعام شرقية لا تنسى في دبي. شكرًا للفريق الرائع الذي جعل زيارتنا مميزة
مطعم رائع جدا والأجواء جميلة ونظافة المكان قصة لا تنتهي . اما الخدمة فهي لا تضاهى بداية من الاستقبال الرائع والموظفين ودودون ولطفاء وحريصين ع التميز والسرعة في الخدمة . لديهم قائمة طعام تتناسب كل الأذواق ولديهم اهتمام بالغ بالضيوف وتلبية متطلباتهم بجودة فائقة . واما تقييم الشيشة فأتركه لكم عند زيارتكم ان شاء اللّٰه لهذا المطعم المذهل
خدمة ممتازة الأكل كان لذيذ والموظفين بشوشين واخلاقهم ممتازة جدا. المعسل ممتاز شكرا للاخ العزيز معلم الشيشة حسن أبو ممدوح أخلاق وشغل فنان في المعسل
المطعم رائع وجلساته حلوه ومريحة و الاكل مليون من مية طلبنا مشاوي مشكل ريش و كباب دجاج و شيش طاووق و اوصال كباب وحمص و بطاطا حارة وكل شي الذ من الثاني الاخ محمود شومان شكراً على لطفك و اخلاقك و خدمتك الي زي الفل
— قم بزيارتنا —
طريق الشيخ زايد - البرشاء - البرشاء 3 - دبي
ساعات العمل
سبعة أيام في الأسبوع
من التاسعة صباحاً و حتى الثالثة صباحاً